News And Events
Welcome to S.V.K.P & Dr. K.S Raju Arts and Science College
Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari and Dr.Kalidindi Suryanarayana Raju Arts & Science College a pioneering educational institution in A.P. was established on the august day of 4th August 1974 at Penugonda in west Godavari district with the highest guiding principle “Synoptic education to all”. Behind this temple of learning strenuous efforts of several political and academic stalwarts have been there right from the foundation stone for the success and the growth of this institution in a big way.
“To contribute its might for holistic and quality human capital formation for modern economy with focus on developing employment opportunity – enhancing skilling ecosystem, through integration of technology, research and value system into teaching – learning process”.
Principal Message

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela Education is the manifestation of love and my most cherished possession. Education drives away ignorance and through illumination it emboldens a man to a righteous thought and action. It empowers a woman and enlarges the horizon of her mind. It energizes a society and enables a man to earn his living with respect and praise. Hence my love for it.